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Wellness & Fitness                 Retreat

If you are like many people who have lost weight only to gain it back, it was very disappointing.  You learned that the quick diets, boot camps, fat farms, and more simply do not work long term.

Our solution: Non-Diet, End of Struggle for Weight Loss and Fitness.

This is the first destination series of our Wellness and Fitness Retreats & Seminars. We are developing a program for healthy options in our relationship with food, exercise, and body image with professionals across the USA where Spa's is the playground.

We are about real people getting healthier and happier and end eating and weight struggles for good.

Join us and network with like-minded professionals as you rest, relax, and become more informed at our selected destinations events. Get control of your health!  Get on the Contact WAIT LIST

How fast do you need services? In some cities, there will need to be at least a 3 week notice with upcoming holidays. We can order flowers, food, gift baskets, and personal wine. Let us find your domestic help, caregivers, limo, Airbnb, spa, or fitness trainer. Email us your request for any occasion and we will follow up with you. We also have access to artist and authors for personal events or business needs.   Holiday Calendar 2022-23

* Prices subject to change depending on your choice and budget, payable at booking.  Affiliate & franchise opportunities available!


© 2023 by laExpose'

FAX: 615-345-4192         Terms of Use  Policy

625 Bakers Bridge Franklin TN. USA


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