Eclectic Creations by LaVerne

2011 @ Copyright Eclectic Creations by LaVerne

Feet are the active carriers of one's body; pillars that hold the whole frame or the structure of the body perpetually; often-sad victims, prone to negligence and nonchalance in terms of beauty whereas all the other parts of the body are accustomed to a good coddling. It is important to work one's way out for a healthy and beautiful feet as beautiful feet also owe their share for a beautiful body. Here are a few simple steps that contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of your feet in the view of diminishing your frets regarding your feet. To order our custom bathe n body email us.
To get rid of dry skin put a little salt scrub-soap on a sponge and rub on feet, towel dry it and pamper with our foot balm called Cremesicle.
Scrub your body with a gentle scrubber or a daily salt scrub would help in the elimination of dry cells and enrich it with our rich moisturizer. At night moisturize generously with our Skin Balm apply socks/gloves and notice the difference the next day. Athlete feet or scaly skin dramatically improved in one night after a week your feet will feel luxurious!
Dip your feet/hands in warm water for some time and then in cold water and repeat it vice versa for a good blood circulation add Himalayan salt for a noticeable difference.
. To improve the skin and texture of your feet add a little shampoo or a little liquid soap in water and soak your fee/body t then add a few drops of olive oil. Our new line of "Incredible" products available by request!
A blob of a good hand and body cream would contribute for a shiny and supple feet skin.
For feet that are prone to sweating, an exposition to a treatment of soaking it for ten to fifteen minutes in a tub containing water with 10 drops of our unique oil would be effective. It is a must to pamper your feet and you will have clearer brighter toenails.
As a matter of fact that the skin on the soles of the feet does not have oil glands, a good massage of the feet with a luxurious amount of our unique oil would serve the purpose.
If your skin is prone to goose lumps or goose flesh as a result of frequent waxing and shaving an effective massage starting at the ankles to work upwards up to the thighs with a lot of soap in rotation. Towel dry and apply some of our silky lotion.
The simplest one would be to soak the feet in our salt water for sometime then apply lotion or foot balm.
A cup of lime juice with ¼ cup of milk with a little unique oil and a few drops of almond oil for fragrance would be a simple method for feet care.
Application of our foot jelly would serve to soften the feet then apply cotton socks.
Nails are to be trimmed straight across without digging in or cutting into the edges.