2016 Sponsorship Opportunities for E.P Awards
Logo as Platinum Sponsor on all promotional materials & website
Award category in your Name of Choice with the MCN number of registration
Commemorative Plaque as Director Sponsor, Full page Ad in Souvenir Booklet
Ten (10) tickets to the event after-Party and Friday night Reception
Logo recognition on the backdrop for photographs on Red Carpet
Public recognition at event and key introductions, Full page Ad in LaExpose’ Magazine
Tv and Radio interview by media sponsor and Social Media Marketing for 1 month
VIP reserved seating and a Android Tablet
Invitation to Puerto Plata Retreat
Each Sponsor level recieves a Android Tablet

Logo as Gold Sponsor on all promotional materials & website
Certificate of Authenticity in your Name of Choice with the MCN number of registration
Eight (8) tickets to the event after-Party and Friday night Reception
Logo recognition on the backdrop for photographs on Red Carpet
Public recognition at event and key introductions, 1/2 page Ad in Souvenir Magazine
Tv and Radio interview by media sponsor, ¾ page Ad in LaExpose’ Magazine
VIP reserved seating
Invitation to Atlantis Bahamas Retreat
Logo as Silver Sponsor on promotional materials & website.
Award Medallion in your name for Honoree Recipients with MCN number registration
Six (6) tickets to the Awards, after party and Reception, 1/2 page Ad in Souvenir Booklet
Public recognition at event & VIP Seating, 1/2 page Ad in LaExpose’ Magazine
TV & Radio interview by media sponsor, with mentions
VIP reserved seating
Banner or Flier with your logo as Sponsor

For your investment into this event. Our hope is that you see God do more in you and through you than you ever dreamed possible!

You need the Favor of God on your life? Sow a seed and expect your increase. I Cor. 3:7


Vendors Booth
If you use Western Union or Money Gram use my name
LaVerne Adekunle my State is Tennessee then email me the confirmation number info@laExpose.com
Bank to Bank Wire:
laExpose' Productions
Regions Bank
1729 Mallory Lane
Brentwood TN 37027
Bank Swift Code: UPNBUS44- 0204854535