Eld. Johny Morris was born and raised in Huffman, Arkansas. Eld. Morris was a gifted singer, oil paint artist, and child entrepreneur. He was an award-winning champion bowler and author. He is a retired veteran of the US Air Force. Eaker AFB was his last tour of Ramstein, Germany, in 1978. While in Germany, he completed his ministerial schooling and Christian Education through Aeon Bible College and was ordained. He is also a graduate of Cotton Boll Votech. He founded the Apostolic Temple in Blytheville Ark and Osceola Ar. His ministry was an award-winning locally and nationally through Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.(PAW). His youth won numerous Bible Bowls. In the community, The CFC program won the Youth Service Award 2 years in a row and participated in the MADD project, giving holiday baskets called Bag of Love. His summer program fed 5,000 kids, winning him the OTC Shivers Award and a Commendation from President (former Gov.)Bill Clinton. Mother Morris earned the State Mother of the Year Award during her tenure.
His wife and kids were faithful, and their volunteerism and community service for others. His work gained accolades and many awards locally and nationally, including the Extraordinary People Awards.
"If Lois Was Here" ISBN: 978-150 3248 489 @ www.DeloresJMorris.info
Eld Morris laExpose' Profile HERE
Souvenirs Available HERE
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